Nächster Live-Kurs ab 10.09.2024
Online Einstieg jederzeit.
Early Birds statt € 699,- nur*
€ 499,-
*Early Bird Bonus
Nächster Live-Kurs ab 28.09.2024
Online Einstieg jederzeit.
Early Birds statt € 2.499,- nur*
€ 1.490,-
Aktueller Kursplan 2024/25
Our next training courses
and workshops 2023/24
Shamanic Power
incl. certificate
5 modules of 7 units each
Next starting dates:
Next start dates:
Sunday, 03.12.2023
(already fully booked!)
Further start date end of January/beginning of February 2024
EARLY BIRDS € 1.490,-
Regular € 1.639,-
In the course of these intensive courses you will receive the theoretical and practical know-how for a qualified start for your work as a shaman/shamaness. Use this workshop series as a start into self-employment, as a personal training for spiritual growth or as a boost for your existing business. Your entry into human energetics!
Places still available.
Pre-register now!
Soul Power
incl. certificate
5 modules of 7 units each
EARLY BIRDS € 1.490,-
Regular € 1.639,-
Channeling Training
incl. certificate
3 modules of 3.5 units each
Next start dates:
Sunday, 26.11.2023
Saturday, 27.01.2024
Regular € 599,-
This intensive training offers you all the basics of channeling and mediumship based on ancient shamanic knowledge. Channeling can be trained through appropriate exercises and an open mind. You will learn specific tools and methods to open your energetic channels, to expand your mediumistic and clairvoyant abilities and talents and to strengthen your communication with the spiritual world. This training also promotes your grounding and centering, helps you feel energies, strengthen your intuition, release blockages and unfold your potential and yourself.
Healing currents Training
incl. certificate
2 modules of 4 units each
From 2024
Info on request
In this technique we use our hands to balance the energetic aspects of body, mind and spirit according to specific procedures.
You will learn the theoretical and practical basic knowledge of healing current and to sharpen your intuition in bodywork. The training is based on the knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese healing art that aims to harmonize the life energy of the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu helps to balance the flow of life energy and ensures that the body, mind and spirit are in optimal resonance. Use these healing currents courses as a start or boost for your self-reliance or for your active self-help in everyday life.
Current Workshop
& Retreat offers:
All prices excl. accommodation and meals.
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
5 Module, 35 Einheiten
Nächste Starttermine:
So. 28. September 2024 fast voll
Sa. 30. November 2024
Fr. 10. Jänner 2025
€ 2.499,-
Energetic bodywork
In the course of this intensive workshop you will receive the theoretical and practical know-how for energetic bodywork, based on the ancient knowledge of the shamans.
Learn the basics of working with the body, the aura and the chakras. Learn practices with various tools for numerous applications.
(basic training required)
incl. confirmation diploma
2 workshop days of 7 hours
€ 599,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs jederzeit möglich.
2 Ausbildungstage je 7 Einheiten
Nächster Termin:
Sa. 9. Nov - So. 10. Nov 2024
€ 799,-
EFT Tapping
Learn the basics of EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique. The EFT technique can help and support the release of burdensome, emotional stress and fears in order to remove blockages, which appear as disturbances in the energy system of the body. Discover the benefits of EFT in theory and experience the 'magic effect' in hands-on exercises. You will learn the most useful tools for your everyday life for your quick and practical self-help.
Online course possible.
2 course evenings of 3 hours
€ 340,-
Basis AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs jederzeit möglich.
1 Kurstag zu 4 Einheiten
So. 15. September 2024
€ 345,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
4 Module, 24 Einheiten
Regulär: € 1.999,-
€ 1.365,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
Online Ausbildung möglich.
2 Ausbildungstage zu 7 Einheiten
Regulär: € 1.299,-
€ 825,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
3 Abende zu je 3,5 Einheiten
Regulär: € 699,-
€ 499,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
4 Module, 32 Einheiten
€ 2.499,-
Intuition work -
Learn pendulum
How can I learn to pendulum? In this short workshop series you will learn all the important basic principles for correct pendulum work using a pendulum and tensor, one-handed rod, dowsing rod. Train your intuition and get essential information for testing in energetic body work and energetic space work.
Still a few places available!
Online course possible.
2 course evenings of 2,5 hours
€ 289,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs möglich.
1 Abend-Modul zu 2,5 Einheiten
Juni Termin ausgebucht.
Nächster Termin im Herbst.
€ 179,-
Read plants
- Shamanic herbal medicine
Do you hear how the trees and plants speak? People have forgotten how to listen. Plant Shamanism - A life in harmony with nature.
Deepen your contact with the spirits of nature and learn directly from the plants. An uplifting education in the footsteps of famous healers, shamans and herbalists like Hildegard von Bingen.
(basic training required)
incl. confirmation diploma
3 modules of 7 hours each
€ 990,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs möglich.
3 Module, zu je 3,5 EH
€ 695,-
Future Visions - mystic world
Advanced course:
Can you learn clairvoyance? In many people, this particular intuition is naturally strong. But everyone can learn the basics of clairvoyance with the help of the right information and tools. In this advanced training you will receive all the important information in theory and practice: exciting rites for vision work and ancient shamanic background knowledge on mystical topics such as oracles and fortune telling.
Still a few places available!
(basic training required)
incl. confirmation diploma
3 modules of 7 hours each
€ 1.090,-
(Grundausbildung erforderlich)
inkl. Diplom
3 Module zu je 7 Einheiten
€ 1.090,-
Learn Channeling
Advanced course:
Channeling can be learned through appropriate practice and an open mind. Expand your mediumistic and clairvoyant abilities to immerse yourself in the practice of channeling. Awaken your mediumistic and clairvoyant talents by matching them with your unique abilities and strengths to establish communication with the spirit world.
(basic training required)
incl. confirmation diploma
2 course evenings of 3 hours
€ 349,-
(Grundausbildung erforderlich)
inkl. Diplom
2 Kursabende zu 3 Einheiten
€ 349,-
Shaman Power
Shamanic Basic Course:
In the course of this intensive training you will receive the theoretical and practical know-how for a qualified start in shamanism. Your entry into self-employment as a human energetic practitioner. We go into the silence and into the intensive connection with your soul. Enjoy this training in the magical nature of the island of Malta.
1 week intensive course
in German or English language
incl. confirmation diploma
Prices and info on request
1 Woche Intensivkurs
in Deutscher oder Englischer Sprache
inkl. Zertifikat
Auf Anfrage
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
6 Module, 43 Einheiten
Nächste Starttermine:
So. 28. September 2024 fast voll
Sa. 30. November 2024
Fr. 10. Jänner 2025
€ 2.999,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
4 Module, 32 Einheiten
Nächste Starttermine:
2.Juni 2024
2. Jänner 2025
€ 2.995,-
Intuition work -
Learn pendulum
How can I learn to pendulum? In this short workshop series you will learn all the important basic principles for correct pendulum work using a pendulum and tensor, one-handed rod, dowsing rod. Train your intuition and get essential information for testing in energetic body work and energetic space work.
Still a few places available!
Online course possible.
2 course evenings of 2,5 hours
€ 289,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs jederzeit möglich.
1 Abend-Modul zu 2,5 Einheiten
So. 15. September 2024
€ 179,-
Energetic hand laying - Shamano©
In these courses, you learn everything about the key of positive energy sources and the secrets of energy control. Follow in the footsteps of ancient healing arts, discovering different techniques around the power of your hands - your natural and most powerful tool. Train your intuition to release physical, mental and spiritual tensions. Learn more about the principles of energy work, the chakra system and aura work. Through our evening classes, this training is available on a part-time basis.
incl. confirmation diploma
4 evening modules of 3 hours each
€ 599,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs möglich.
3 Module, 14 Einheiten
Regulär: € 1.899,-
€ 1.265,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
4 Module, 32 Einheiten
Regulär: € 2.995,-
€ 2.499,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
3 Ausbildungstage zu 7 Einheiten
Regulär: € 1.899,-
€ 1.365,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
WORKSHOP inkl. Material. Lindenholz-Rahmen mit Hirsch-, Ziege-, oder Pferdehaut, für 40 od. 45cm Trommel inkl. Klöppel. Sonderwünsche zu Aufpreis möglich.
2 Workshoptage
€ 439,-
Intuition work -
Learn pendulum
How can I learn to pendulum? In this short workshop series you will learn all the important basic principles for correct pendulum work using a pendulum and tensor, one-handed rod, dowsing rod. Train your intuition and get essential information for testing in energetic body work and energetic space work.
Still a few places available!
Online course possible.
2 course evenings of 2,5 hours
€ 289,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
5 Module, 30 Einheiten
Regulär: € 1.995,-
€ 1.295,-
Lern insence
Our magical preparation course, for the Rauhnächte, at the turn of the year. In this 2-day workshop you will learn the basics of energetic cleaning and energetic charging through incense.
(no previous knowledge required)
Online course possible.
2 evening-modules with 3 Units
Workshop € 179,-
plus Course materials € 40,-
KURS inkl. Diplom
Online Kurs möglich.
1 Abend-Modul zu 2,5 Einheiten
inkl. Kursmaterialien
€ 199,-
Interior Energy
"Good room energy is like the melody of the heart of a place that envelops us in harmony and peace. It gives us strength and security."
Find out everything you need to know about room energy. From feng shui basics to ancient shamanic knowledge of nature. Comprehensive knowledge about energetic room design, energetic cleansing of old burdens and, depending on your interests, also about working as a 'real estate medium'.
incl. confirmation diploma
2 modules of 7 hours each
€ 849,-
AUSBILDUNG inkl. Diplom
Online Ausbildung möglich.
Abschluss der Dipl. Humanenergetiker Ausbildung nötig.
4 Module, 24 Einheiten
Regulär: € 2.499,-
€ 1.995,-
My Energy Spray
In this 2 day workshop you will learn the basics of aura therapy and creation of your personal energetic sprays. Sprays to support you and your energy field, your aura and for the energetic cleaning and positive charging of your environment.
(no previous knowledge required)
Online course possible.
2 Workshop days of 7 hours - workshop € 418,-
plus Course materials € 40,-
Online Kurs möglich.
2 Workshoptage zu 7 Stunden
zzgl. Kursmaterialien € 40,-
€ 418,-
Advanced courses:
Death and the Afterlife. Get important information about soul work, soul journeys, soul retrievals, soul accompaniment, trauma resolution and dream work in this advanced intensive training. Enjoy this week of training in the magical nature of the island of Malta.
Attention. This course is already fully booked for 2024. Please inquire now, as there may be a few places available at short notice.
1 week intensive course
in German or English language
incl. confirmation diploma
Prices and info on request
1 Woche Intensivkurs
in Deutscher oder Englischer Sprache
inkl. Zertifikat
Auf Anfrage