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Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦
Soulhouse Shaman Education Upper Austria

Well-founded, powerful and forward-looking.

Why Shamanism? Shamanism is one of the most original and oldest healing systems of mankind. Its basic principle is based on the use of consciousness for healing purposes as well as the development of solutions for many areas of life. The sources for this go back thousands of years and many methods of modern therapy, body, mind and philosophical teachings are variations of shamanic currents. Thus, shamanic education offers an original form of knowledge and excellent basis for all kinds of work.


"In 1980, shamanic healing methods were also officially recognized (by the WHO) as having equal importance in healing, comparable to European medicine."


In our academy we follow a profound philosophy that combines the ancient wisdom of the shamanic traditions with the modern needs of our world. Guided by the belief that the interconnectedness of all life forms is the core of existence, we strive to create a harmonious balance between humanity, nature, and a mental, spiritual world. When one thinks of shamanism, one often has in mind the classical medicine man of indigenous peoples. The sources of shamanism refer to ancient knowledge and holistic healing rituals of body, mind and spirit that were often passed down from the ancients, sages or the 'recognized healers' of a cultural group.


Our philosophy is based on these pillars:


  • Holistic Connection: We rely on the view that everything is connected - from the smallest pebble to the vast cosmos. Our practices aim to restore harmony by bridging the gaps between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.

  • Reverence for Nature: the natural world is our teacher, and we honor its wisdom. Through our work, we promote responsible stewardship of the environment, nature, and a deep connection to the earth by developing a sense of responsibility for its well-being and togetherness.

  • Inner Exploration: We encourage each individual to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. By reaching into the depths of our consciousness, we can uncover hidden potential and meet life's challenges with resilience and grace.

  • Transcendent Wisdom: We draw on ancient traditions and rituals to tap into the universal wisdom that transcends time and space. This wisdom guides us in making conscious choices that benefit not only ourselves, but the collective whole. By engaging with different dimensions and realities through shamanic practices, we expand our perception, unlocking the limitless possibilities they offer.

  • Empowerment and Compassion: We believe in the empowerment of each individual to bring about positive change. By embodying the principles of love and compassion, we all contribute to the common good. In our Academy, we are committed to fostering a deeper connection to ourselves, each other, and the world around us.


Image by Tetiana Shadrina
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