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Soulhouse Shaman Training Upper Austria

Notes on our offer

Good to know

Important notes

Legal notice: The offer of the Soulhouse Academy is not a substitute or competition for medical or psychological services as offered by medical persons or doctors. It does not replace a visit to the doctor for any complaints or illnesses and is not a medical treatment in the medical and legal sense. The offer is neither advisory nor treating and we do not provide medical-therapeutic diagnoses. The training as well as the work of a shaman and the work of an energetic practitioner can lead to painful realizations in addition to a feeling of well-being.

Notes on independent work

The training to become a Dipl. Humanenergetiker/in is not regulated in Austria and does not replace any study or state training. Energetic applications are only possible on healthy persons under consideration of the professional and activity reservations of other professions (e.g. med. massage, healing massage)! Knowledge transfer in the form of teaching activities (e.g.: in the context of lectures, workshops, seminars, trainings) are excluded as such according to § 2 GewO from the scope of application of the Trade Regulation Act, which means that no trade license is required for this.

Online Produkte / Online Kurse

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